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Monday Mayhem – How do you receive love?

The Universe sure does want me to recognize my capacity to receive the gifts it is trying to send me right now.


Unexpectedly, Mary Houston and I talked about it on my Facebook live last week. Check out that conversation right here.


My friend Dr. Wendy Boring talked about it in her sermon yesterday when she challenged all of us to close our eyes and think about the last time we received love. Go ahead and do it. Close your eyes right now. Breathe into your heart and think about the last time you received love.


The act of loving ourselves and others requires the willingness to receive. Often we ask for things that we crave but we don’t allow ourselves to receive them when they come to us, especially if they don’t look like we think they should.

When was the last time you were given what you asked for but it didn’t look anything like you imagined so you wrote it off?

According my my friend Dr. Wendy Boring loving involves three things:

  1. Say what you need

  2. Stand your ground

  3. Recognize the humanity of the other person (even if that person is you)

One of the things I realized this week is that I have been receiving God as a defiant child. Every time I get a message about what I am supposed to be doing, with clear guidance for my path, I say no…you are wrong. I am SURE the path is different.

Allow me to stubbornly defy why I am here on this earth. This causes action paralysis and stops me from creating the projects of my heart.

This week I am challenging myself to engage in receiving all the things and I challenge you to do the same.

Are you ready to receive your calling? Are you a Natural Born Rebel who craves the ability to harness your inner rebel to change your live and your community? Join me in August for Rebel School. Apply today!

It’s Monday, cause some mayhem, raise some hell! xoxo, Dr. Melissa Bird


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