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What’s on your burn pile?
I while ago I blogged about what my “memorial bench” would say if I cut through my crap and just followed my bliss. I had been hiking...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Pave another road
Do you engage in moments of radical compassion towards your body and soul? Do you give yourself the space of grace? Do you engage with...

Monday Mayhem – Mutilating the Patriarchy
Hello loves, I woke up this morning and wanted to write you a letter about advocacy. What is advocacy all about anyway? Why should we...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – I desire a world…
I desire a world where women have choice. I desire a world where women are safe to tell people in power their desires. I desire a world...

Monday Mayhem on a Tuesday – Putting the “B” back in LGBTQ
Sexuality is not a choice. It is the way we are born. I am a bisexual woman who is married to a man who at one point identified as a...

Marginalized No More Activism Program is Launching in September
Like many of you who use social media, my friend Briana and I connected on Facebook during the 2016 election season when a mutual friend...
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