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You are the expert on you.

Dwell not in the hurt.

It doesn’t serve you.

If you have identified as the walking wounded know that there is another path.

You don’t have to keep shoving the knife deeper into your soul.

Look to the left, do you see that other path?

That path gets you out of lack and into joyous, abundant living.

Look to the right, do you see that other path?

That path gets you out of stagnation to create a world full of passion.

Create short quiet moments where you can focus on the joy and grace and love of yourself and God. Those moments will take you down the path of creation and transformation.

Beloved, remember that you are the expert on you.

Ask yourself, “Is this what I want?”

If the answer is, “No” then don’t do it.

It really is that simple.

You are free to put yourself first.

You are free to change your personal narrative.

You are free to change your career.

You are free to rebel and engage in graceful revolution.

If you are ready to create a world full of passion, I would LOVE to chat with you about working with me. Get on my schedule and let’s talk today!

I love you,

Dr. Melissa Bird


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