I want to get personal with you. For many years is was scared to use my voice. In fact, just this year I finally admitted to myself and other that I have only been giving the world half of me.
I thought to myself imagine what would happen if you went full throttle bird? That is my word for 2019.
I’m no longer afraid of people thinking I am crazy. I no longer have any interest in silencing myself to appease the voices in my head. I am making the choice to speak my full, divine truth.
How did I make this shift?
By applying what I teach to my own life. By listening to the inner calling inside of me that says, “THAT is the message that will change your community.”
My commitment to advocacy helped me silence the fear that was holding me back from being all in.
By strengthening my faith in myself and the messages I was receiving from others I stopped listening to my fear.
I am proud to say there is freedom when you take a deep breath and realize you are ready to speak the words that you have been compelled to say for years.
Our struggles with speaking out can manifest in so many ways. We tell ourselves our voice doesn’t matter. We think our idea isn’t good enough. We convince ourselves that no one will believe what we are saying. We stay silent when we are bouncing up and down with a message. We yell when we want people to hear us, which turns people off.
But you can have a voice.
At any time you can make a difference in your community.
Here’s how:
The end of the year is when we feel compelled to make resolutions and grand plans for 2019. It’s easy to make huge plans that we have a hard time following through when the shiny new year becomes just another year in our lives.

I want to help you have a voice in your community.
That’s why I‘m offering a 10% discount on Fanning the Flames: an social justice and advocacy training.
In this digital course you get:
-5 inspirational talks about finding your voice 🗣
-5 beautiful e-books with activities to guide you to your passion and your jam 💃🏽💃🏻
-additional links to advocacy resources around the country 🤳🏼
I am offering this discount until 12/31/18. 🔥🔥🔥
Get 10% off before December 31 with the offer code CHANGEYOURWORLD at checkout. Go to https://birdgirlindustries.com/fanning-the-flames-online-social-justice-training/