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What’s on your burn pile?
I while ago I blogged about what my “memorial bench” would say if I cut through my crap and just followed my bliss. I had been hiking...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Pave another road
Do you engage in moments of radical compassion towards your body and soul? Do you give yourself the space of grace? Do you engage with...

Monday Mayhem – Mutilating the Patriarchy
Hello loves, I woke up this morning and wanted to write you a letter about advocacy. What is advocacy all about anyway? Why should we...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – I desire a world…
I desire a world where women have choice. I desire a world where women are safe to tell people in power their desires. I desire a world...

Monday Mayhem on a Tuesday – Putting the “B” back in LGBTQ
Sexuality is not a choice. It is the way we are born. I am a bisexual woman who is married to a man who at one point identified as a...

Monday Mayhem: Out of the mouths of babes
I have been getting some profound messages a lot lately: It is not the first step you take, but the next step you take that gets you...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Gun Reform: A Conversation with my Teenager
My 16 year old daughter Katelynn and I just did a FB live together about her #MarchForOurLives walkout this week. It was amazing to hear...

Monday Mayhem – If all else fails mom says the water in the back of the toilet is clean
Last week I was giving a lecture about “toxic debt” and during the Q&A discussion a member of the audience wondered why we weren’t...

When I get bit in the butt by my own imperfect activist
It is Friday, I just did my FB live. It was awesome. I said some stuff. Threw out a few big things. Finished it up and was like wow…you...

Marginalized No More Activism Program is Launching in September
Like many of you who use social media, my friend Briana and I connected on Facebook during the 2016 election season when a mutual friend...

The Last Class
Today is the last class that I am teaching at the California State University, San Bernadino School of Social Work. I dedicate this blog...

Today I Pray We Won’t Go Back
Today is the anniversary of Roe. Where I pray for the future of my daughters and their right to choose when they have children and to...
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