I have received many, many wonderful gifts in 2018.
The gifts we give and the gifts we receive are not best determined by their cost or a price tag.
Their true wealth is evaluated by the heart. Some of my most favorite gifts have come from YOU, the people who support me and the work of Bird Girl Industries every single day!
YOU have given me the gift of grace. Not everything happened the way I thought it would and I have learned to just let it go and see what transpires.
YOU have given me the gift of service. I get to give and give to you every single day that I come to work and that is fucking AWESOME!
YOU have given me the gift of opportunity. Opportunities to bring women together to find their passion. Opportunities to debate the issues that I think are deeply relevant and important. Opportunities to spread my wings and FLY!
YOU have given me the gift of connection. Connection with people all over the world. Connection with my clients. Connection with the revolutionaries that are changing the way we do things on this earth.
YOU have given me the gift of magic. You have helped me see my true power and how I can effect others by being tapped into the true nature of who I am.
Your willingness to give of me your time, space in your life, chats by email-text-phone is a privilege that I have absorbed into my heart and soul.
I am deeply grateful to what I teach you and what you teach me in return.
The followers of Bird Girl Industries are by far one of my most favorite gifts I have received. THANK YOU for being a part of the Graceful Revolution in 2018.
2019 is going to be FULL THROTTLE! I will not fear my calling. I will not resist the pull. I will tumble like Alice into the full purpose of my being.
I hope you will continue to be along for the ride. If you haven’t done so, get my free online book here. If you haven’t done so, get Fanning the Flames online here. If you haven’t done so, get signed up for 1:1 coaching here.
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @birdgirl1001
It’s Friday…engage in Graceful Revolution y’all. Love, Dr. Melissa Bird