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Absolutely Everything is Progress

I don’t know about you, but I was brought up thinking that I needed to have a really clear idea of my plan before I made any choices about my career or relationships. That old school mentality has never really served me well.

I mean…I do not have a detailed map about where my life is going. Just when I think I am headed down the “right” road something derails “the plan” and I end up in a poo-pie swamp thinking, “how the hell did I get here?”

If the “Devil is in the Details” then why do we keep waiting for detailed instructions about what we are supposed to do next in our lives, loves, businesses, or careers?

I mean…I do not really want to be cavorting around with the Devil wondering what shenanigans they are leading me to next in order to keep me distracted from my divine assignment.

I have been thinking a lot about that divine calling I keep talking about.


It is becoming clearer and clearer the more I stop listening to the mean girl in my head that tells me I am getting too big for my britches.

That calling tells me:

I am here to heal the wounds among women and bridge the Christian/Pagan divide by giving women’s voices lifeI am here to help the Natural Born Rebels sing the song of their hearts while healing their shame and perceptions of selfI am here to write and publish like there is no tomorrow every single day

This is not a detailed path. It is a path full of magic, prophesy, mysticism, and change. 

There is no map for this life, just an acknowledgement that taking action every single day leads not just to progress but to the clarity and confidence that is my divine right as a woman.

You are moving forward my friend, there is no going back.

Have you enrolled in Rebel School yet? We start August 22 and 1/2 of the spots have already been taken! If you are ready to harness your inner rebel for good and not evil then join me for this 3 month EPIC program where I take you from rebel without a cause to rebel with a mission. SIGN UP TODAY!

It’s Friday, eff sh*t up! xoxo, Dr. Melissa Bird


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