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Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Metallica comes to mind
Lately I have been thinking a lot about my motivation. What motivates me? What gets me going? What keeps me engaged in the quest for...

Monday Mayhem – I am angry at America, still
I have been reflecting back at where I was at this time last year. My sadness was palpable. I was worried about what would happen under...

Monday Mayhem: Affirmations of Badassery
A few months ago I asked four of my dearest friends to, “think of five words that I offer women”. I don’t know why. I think I was feeling...

On Burning Your Village then Building it Back Up
A few years ago I lost several dear friends. Not to death, or illness, or accident. Just…lost them. I did some things, they did some...

The Gift of Insecurity
Lately I have been battling with a gift that I was given in my childhood that I would like to call: INSECURITY IT is a gorgeous bombshell...

The Truth
All week I have had this scenario running rampant through my brain: You Can’t Handle the Truth I was angry and allowing one woman to have...
Violently Happy…but not in the creepy way
I am training for a half marathon that is taking place in 3 days. This entails a lot of running. When I say a lot of running it means...
Into the Abyss
I am drowning…I am drowning in: Shame Guilt Anger Fierce HATE Insecurity Fear I am trying to pray. I am trying to be...

The Cone of Shame
My good girl went on a rampage last night. She was feeling totally out of control and she threw a hissy fit more impressive than a 3 year...
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