Mary Magdalene
Joan of Arc
Harriett Tubman
Michelle Obama
Erin Brockovitch
All of these women have something in common.
All of these women are somebody’s hero.
All of these women have led something big.
But most importantly, all of these women had the courage to change and take action.
Heroes don’t become heroes overnight.
Heroes are made through trial.
Heroes are made through risk.
Heroes are made because they listen to their calling every single day.

I see you there thinking, I don’t want to listen to this calling.
What if they hate me?
What if they judge me?
What if I fail?
What if you don’t?
What if you are the hero we have been waiting for?
Rock on,
Dr. Melissa Bird
If you’re ready to do something big, get on my schedule and let’s discover your divine assignment together!