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Inspiration in these crazy times!

A few months ago I started coaching with badass superstar Susan Hyatt. The first thing she had me do was develop a virtual board of directors whose pictures hang above my desk. When I am feeling exceptionally dark or down…it is these people whose tenacity and characteristics inspire me to keep going. If we are going to continue to fuck shit up and engage in random acts of resistance we are all going to have to find some inspiration from folks.

This is my board of directors:

Melane Verveer because she was the first Global Ambassador for Women and that is a job that I would adore to have. It is my dream. She is now the Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Peace and Security.

Patty Jenkins because she did not back down when the producers of Wonder Woman told her to remove the No Mans Land scene because no woman would ever do that, even Wonder Woman. She is brave. See what she has to say about her legacy.

Hillary AND Chelsea because they are everything. Like honestly.

Madonna because ever since her very first album I have wanted to be as fierce as she is. She is the first woman I can remember thinking is TOTALLY unapologetic and I want to be just like that.

My grandmother Mary Merrell Valentine. My caretaker, the first woman who taught me about politics, the softest hands and warmest heart. She is my guiding star.

Blanche Weisen Cook. The greatest biographer of all time and the teller of Eleanor Roosevelt’s story. She brought her life to light and is a gorgeous writer.

Matthew Denckla my best gay and my most devoted admirer. He ALWAYS has my back no matter what!

Marci Harris is my first administrative assistant, she is my friend, and she really truly believes in my ability to lead and change the world and her story of rising from nothing inspires me daily.

Danielle LaPorte for her spiritual guidance and sexy reminders towards sensual living.

Madeline Albright for her pins and her leadership and her laugh. If you haven’t heard her laugh watch this awesome video!

My mom because she is the bravest woman in the world. She has just published an amazing book about love during World War II, you can buy it here!

Christy Turlington because from the moment we met we were fast friends and her deep commitment to women is her life’s mission. After she nearly died in childbirth she started a non-profit organization called Every Mother Counts.

Find your inspiration. Tell them why they inspire you. Ignite your passionate possibility. Fuck shit up. Make a change.

I have 5 spots open for coaching in 2018. Now is the time to pull out the big guns, find your voice, change shit up! Find out more here!

You are going to hear a lot of assumptions about what it means to work in the resistance. You can put all that aside and move the needle to affect change. Join me in Holyoke, MA for a workshop that can help you fan the flames within yourself to make a change in your community. Purchase your tickets today!

It is Friday…fuck shit up y’all. Dr. Melissa Bird

P.S. If you are running for office and want to filter out the bullshit and develop the mindset to win. Check out the Candidates Secret Weapon. You will be glad you did!


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