“Go in strength and go in peace. Go to love and to serve, to remember the grace of the air in your lungs and to know the glory of the sunshine on your skin, to shine in your God-given radiance and to bless the world with good news. Thanks be to God.”
-Jeff Chu
I love praying. I love casting spells. I love that praying is casting spells and casting spells is praying. I didn’t realize that these things could be interchangeable until I noticed that I bring these two things together all the time.
The definition of spelling is the process or activity of writing or naming the letters of a word. Spelling is the act of turning speech into writing.
Therefore when we cast a spell, we are putting intention into our spelling.
The definition of prayer is an earnest hope or wish and a solemn request for help.
Praying is the act of turning speech into intention.
Therefore when we cast a prayer, we are putting intention into our praying.

Sometimes I write my prayers/spells in triplicate. For example, this is my prayer recently:
Receive and surrender.
Receive and surrender.
Receive and surrender.
Bless the resistance and let it go.
Bless the resistance and let it go.
Bless the resistance and let it go.
Sometimes I say my prayers/spells out loud. For example, this is my most favorite prayer on earth:
Mother of fair love, we look to you.
Take into your hands the ribbons of our lives,
And see the snarl of knots that keep us bound to fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.
We beg you, Mother, by your powerful intercession and long fingers of love and grace,
Unto the knots in our hearts and in our lives.
Free us to love as Christ loves.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
Blessed be. Amen.
Here is the joy of spells and prayers, we can make them our own. There is no wrong or right way to cast a spell or say a prayer as long as your intentions are to expand and call in hope and abundance for yourself and others (no cursing others please).
Today, I invite you to explore what happens when you pray and/or cast spells. What do you manifest? What comes into being? How does it make you feel?

As you open up to the expansiveness of your own gifts and magic, may you bask in the glorious radiance of all that you are meant to be. May you forgive yourself your errors, they brought you right here to this moment. You wouldn’t be here without them. May you have mercury and grace for yourself. Blessed be. Amen.
Dr. Melissa Bird