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Rebel School
Info Session

JANUARY 14th 2022 3pm PST

Curious about Rebel School?

This one-hour free info session is exactly what you need!


Join me as we explore the Holy Alchemy & Magic of Rebel School together.


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Dr. Melissa Bird

As a life coach, author, and fiery public speaker, Dr. Melissa Bird has given hundreds of speeches and workshops across the world, including speaking to audiences at universities, national conferences, and churches.


Her combination of education, real life experience, and practical advice makes her a powerful force of change in the lives of the people she speaks to. Past audience members have described her as “fierce,” “revelatory,” “life-changing,” “enthusiastic,” and “inspirational.”


Dr. Bird creates the genesis for a new brand of leadership and graceful revolution. Her words awaken revolutionaries, trailblazers and powerful innovators in the quest for justice. When she’s not building her public speaking business, she can be found reading trashy novels, drinking fine whiskey, playing mom to three delicious humans, and loving her punk rock scientist James Thomas Kelly.

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"As someone in the process of major job transition and life-course changing, Missy lovingly pushed me to get to the core of what I care about, who I am, and how I can help change the world.


As a result of Rebel School I am more grounded, present, and open to what the universe will, sometimes quite surprisingly, bring me.


Missy helped me realize how hard I'd been holding on to certain ideas about myself and how the world should work. Rebel School was about learning to let go.


If you need a vital, catalyzing jumpstart towards sustainable life change and personal growth, Rebel School is totally for you. Missy doesn't mess around."

 - Allison Hobgood

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