Live Events
OCT 28th 6pm PT
MOB Meetups are opportunities for mom business owners, entrepreneurial women, and women who want to connect with them to network, get referrals and connect with a community that understands the unique challenges of juggling owning a business and being a mom.
This isn’t your typical networking event! Instead, we focus on relationship building in a safe, casual yet powerful environment.
If you have a business, are thinking of starting a business, or want to connect with powerful business owners- this event is for you!

NOVEMBER 14th-15th 2020
Join myself and Beth Ann Short for this epic 2 day virtual event.
.Together we will experience the blending of art, mindfulness,life coaching, revolution, and connection to your soul.
Over 2 days we will walk you through mindfulness meditations, the creation of art through collaboration, introduce you to the graceful revolution process, and reconnect your body to the 4 elements.