And there it is, just like that May is but a fading memory.
I have spent the last month focusing on my ultimate rebellion...continuing to create and innovate and expand.
This was a conscious decision I made when the pandemic started. I refused to succumb to the panic and scarcity that was bubbling up just beneath the surface of my thoughts.
I often say to my clients, “Action leads to clarity leads to confidence.” I have spent the last 3 months taking daily actions towards making my dreams come true. I think this has been the gift of being forced to stay home. I had nowhere to run and hide. I had to face my life, my family, and my businesses...every single damn day. Damn what an honor and a blessing.
When this pandemic started, I leaned over to Jim and said, “Mother Nature is done. She has had enough. She was like I sent you hurricanes, you didn’t listen. I sent you blizzards and rising water levels, you didn’t listen. I sent you Greta, you didn’t listen. So I am gonna ground you all and send your asses HOME.” And damn she did. And I am simultaneously terrified and grateful.
As I look out at the world, at all the death and the illness, I feel the collective grief.
As I look out at the world, at all the death and the illness, I see the collective suffering.
As I look out at the world, at all the death and the illness, I hear the singing from the balconies.
As I look out at the world, at all the death and the illness, I witness the coming together of communities.
As I look out at the world, at all the death and the illness, I thank our great Mother Earth for having the wisdom to stop in our tracks, to give us a moment to count our blessings, to guide us to find ways to help others.
As I look out at the world that is forever changed, I am grateful I took what actions I could, so that I could gain clarity and confidence in my ability to look forward, never back.
Look up at the trees, at the sky.
Look inward to your heart.
See with your spirit rebellious one.
Carry on.
Dr. Melissa Bird